The One Stop Capital Methodology

Ramp-up your revenues - through our creative financing programs – Do you need funds for a new marketing program or to develop a new, high-potential sales channel? How about money for your new online portal that should reduce your client support costs by 25%? Or maybe you have an acquisition that can quickly break open an important and lucrative int’l market? How do you explain and quantify such tech-sector specific needs to a skeptical investor? This is where One Stop Capital can help. We can quantify and justify “use of funds” to the non-tech savvy investor and present in the best possible light for both your sector and your investor’s appetite.

Focus your M&A projects – with optimized tech-industry advice – Does your business plan call for growing through inorganic means? Do you have your sights set on a small business that is a perfect complement to your company? or maybe you are having on-going discussion with the friendly CEO of that SW application company that can supercharge your revenue if that company is combined with your firm? The ability to quickly identify, structure and close your desirable M&A transactions can save months in the process and a sampling of how we can help your company.

Specialized Tech-financing – reach thousands of ISP, OTT, IT, NET & IOT companies – so say you have the financial backing, and you have a good idea on the type of company you need to acquire but have no idea on how to go about finding a good M&A candidate? We can reach and communicate with senior managers at hundreds of companies in many different niche technical sectors and anywhere in the world to arrive at a short list of the best potential candidates for your needs. Just provide us with a list of complimentary attributes, i.e., size, niche, strengths, functions, etc., and we’ll take it from there. Our team has years of deep C-level relationships so that you can save months of time in gaining the credibility and traction needed for such important discussions.

Custom financing solutions – close the deal at your favored terms – Let’s say that you are running a rock star like company in a highly desirable sector and investors are all over you like seagulls on a tossed sandwich on the beach. How do you choose between a series of seemingly attractive choices? One Stop capital can help create a road map (we call it a flow chart) so that you can more easily quantify each decision and progress on a step by step basis to arrive at the optimum option in a sea of choices. It’s like having a trusted partner looking over your shoulder during each step of such a critical process.

Access new markets globally – connect with a global network of private investors – like when the 1980’s song asks, “so many men, so little time, how can I lose?” An entrepreneur can lose by getting lost in paralysis through analysis. Like many industries, quality is more important than quantity in the financing sector. One Stop capital can help you by narrowing down the multitude of financing options into a set of investors that are matched to your company’s attributes – an investor for your finance stage, your industry niche, your risk profile, your investment size and structure and so on. We can help narrow the field down to a size that is manageable.

Use our expert methodology – successfully buy, exit or finance your company – You may be a technical wiz and team building maven and successful at running an IT business yet, know little about the steps needed to successfully market and sell your business. This is especially true for the typical entrepreneur that fell in love with their “baby” and then nurtured it through the many ups and downs in all its years of existence. Or maybe you are looking to acquire a smaller company and are shocked at their high asking price. One Stop capital can be that cool splash of water needed to clear such bias so that you can see your company or your target acquisition in the true light of today’s competitive business environment. We consider the overall market and timing macroeconomics as well as a company’s fundamental attributes and provide a clear score card so that you can make the best choices.

200 Rector Place
New York, NY 10280